Friday, April 17, 2009

It's Friday

....and sunny, with blue skies and the whisper (or should I say trumpet announcement) of 70 degrees. Yay - spring is finally here. Please, please stay.

Tonight, Jason and I are going out to dinner. I may even talk him into a walk around the lakes. Dinner with my handsome husband and a walk afterwards = BLISS. It has been a few weeks since we had a date - the kind where we actually go out and do something. I was starting to feel the itch. Jason must have sensed this because the other night, he asked what we were doing on Friday night and said, "Maybe we should go out to dinner and use that gift card." Yes, please! On Monday when he talked about power-washing and sanding the deck on Friday night....(crickets chirping)....I should have told him at the time how grateful I was that he suggested dinner out.

I'm also kind of bashful because of my new photography hobby. Jason has been very encouraging and (mostly) willing to be a random photo subject. A few weeks ago, he signed me up for an introductory digital photography class, so I went to the class this past Monday. I was so tickled when Jason emailed me during the day and said how excited he was for me that I got to go to the class. When I got home, he wanted me to show me my favorite new tips and tricks. I love that he is so interested in what I'm interested in!

Here's to a fun evening with my rockin' husband!

Friday, April 10, 2009


One year ago today, my husband lost his father, Pop, to a five-month battle with brain cancer. Pop was a wonderful, godly man whom we loved so dearly. I had the privilege of being his daughter, if only by marrying his son. He left this Earth too soon, but we believe that the Lord brought Pop home to Heaven in His wisdom. We glorify and praise the Lord for the many gifts He gave us during those final months with Pop. Today, I am reminded that had Jesus Christ not died on the cross for our sins, Jason and I may never have been able to see Pop again.

Jason has made it through a year of missing Pop. Not a day goes by that he doesn't think about Pop in some way. There are tears and a sad face when I know he is thinking about Pop. And yet, Jason's unwavering faith in the Lord and sensitive spirit encourages me. His support for his mom swells my heart. Pop's memory lives on because Jason is so much like him. His good-natured look at every situation, bringing laughter into our home, a deep sense of responsibility for family and friends, a solid faith in the Lord, and even his walk.

I drove to work today, bawling my eyes out, as I heard for the first time this song from MercyMe. It relates so much to what Jason has shared with me as he looks forward to seeing Pop in heaven someday.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Fashion Friday

There are times when I get it in my head that I need a certain article of clothing. Right now, it is a dress that I could wear to weddings this spring and summer. Granted, I can do this because the weddings are in different circles of friends and family, so there shouldn’t be much overlap in who is going to see it. Except for the fact that all my pics on Facebook of these weddings will show me in the same dress.

I would love to have two dresses, but my budget says only one. And it almost always happens that I never find what is in my head what I want....or it was in my head and when I tried it on, it doesn't fit right.

Four separate shopping trips. Five malls. Only 5 dresses that really caught my eye. I bought them all and asked my friends to help me choose because there have been too many times when I walk out of the house wearing a dress that looks like I’m going to a high school dance. And, believe me, I don’t want to repeat those memories!

Three of them were from a Junior's store: Charlotte Russe, Francesa, and Maurices. The others were from White/Black Market and Herberger’s. I will often go to Junior’s stores for skirts or dresses because the styles are a little shorter and since I’m on the short side, they hit me at the right length on my legs.

Like Big Mama said, one advantage for shopping at Junior’s stores or departments is the price. The coral dress from Charlotte Russe was half of my budget. I used the rest to buy accessories to go with the dress and for some heels at Target for this dress and a black dress that I already had in my closet.

In the end, I ended up with two dresses: the coral one from CR and a black dress that was already in my closet that I spiffed up with new heels, earrings and belt. The black dress is more dressy, so I’ll wear it to the more formal wedding. I know, I know. Wearing a black dress to a wedding is iffy. I’m balancing it out with a cream shrug, gold accessories, coral belt, saucy high heels, and a cream clutch. I can wear the coral dress to the summer wedding, which will be a little less formal.

Oh, and now I must make visits to 2 malls to return the vetoed dresses.