Friday, February 20, 2009

MHR - #11 - Seattle Surprise

This favorite married moment tops my list. On the morning of V-Day, Jason surprised me by taking me to the airport and whisking me away to a weekend away in Seattle! Holy Space Needle, I was NOT expecting this at all! I didn't know where we were going until we got to the check-in counter and the agent said, "Going to Seattle?" I squealed and couldn't stop smiling the whole weekend.

Jason arranged the surprise getaway with my cousin Jamie's husband, Paul, to meet in Seattle and spend the whole weekend with them. Jamie had no idea where they were going either, so it was surprise for both of us. They flew in from Denver just minutes after our flight came in to Seattle. I was pretty naive when Jason had to make two "pit-stops" before getting to baggage claim. He was texting with Paul on their status to making it to the baggage claim for our surprise run-in with each other. Jason and I were at baggage claim picking up brochures. Someone walked up behind us and said, "Hi guys!". I turned to the familiar voice. It registered in my mind at the same moment that I was looking at Jamie and Paul! Jamie and I screamed.

The weekend was full of walking around DT Seattle, the Public Market, dinners, the Underground Tour, Experience Music Project and just plain hanging out. The guys treated us to a chick flick on V-Day evening - Confessions of a Shopaholic.

My heart was ready to burst the whole weekend. After being so busy this month and with having part-time jobs every Saturday, Jason and I just needed to have the whole weekend together. I knew something was up and that Jason was planning something, but I didn't know we'd be flying to our destination! Jason told me in advance to take V-day off and Monday off. I thought maybe we'd be going to our honeymoon hotel or Duluth. Jason also told me how to pack, so I was well-equipped. We came back re-freshed. I relished the carefree weekend, because upon getting back, I didn't realize how much my mood had been affected by our current events and I had purposefully stayed away from keeping up to date on those things while we were gone.

I read all articles from Katy Lin's MHR #11 post and loved them all. Let's just say, I'm a little ashamed that my husband said one of the things he'd like for me to do more often is....pick up my clutter and my clothes. Oh - and maybe I should check to see if they have clear zit-cream instead of the white kind that is plastered to my face at bedtime.

My dear husband, if you're reading this post, do you know how much I admire you for your hard work? It was a tough day at work for you today. Your clients appreciate the heart you put into the work you do for them.

Somebody deserves the VIP treatment this weekend.:)


  1. AMAZING!!! what a fantastic weekend! :) thanks so much for being a part of MHR!!! :)

  2. How wonderful!!!

    That sounds great, what a good hubby!


  3. What a cute thing for him to do for you! I'd have been really excited too! :D

  4. Hi, Carolyn, thank you for stopping by the DR & for leaving me a note. I hope that you'll come back & see me again often, since I'm always up to some fun projects.
