Friday, April 10, 2009


One year ago today, my husband lost his father, Pop, to a five-month battle with brain cancer. Pop was a wonderful, godly man whom we loved so dearly. I had the privilege of being his daughter, if only by marrying his son. He left this Earth too soon, but we believe that the Lord brought Pop home to Heaven in His wisdom. We glorify and praise the Lord for the many gifts He gave us during those final months with Pop. Today, I am reminded that had Jesus Christ not died on the cross for our sins, Jason and I may never have been able to see Pop again.

Jason has made it through a year of missing Pop. Not a day goes by that he doesn't think about Pop in some way. There are tears and a sad face when I know he is thinking about Pop. And yet, Jason's unwavering faith in the Lord and sensitive spirit encourages me. His support for his mom swells my heart. Pop's memory lives on because Jason is so much like him. His good-natured look at every situation, bringing laughter into our home, a deep sense of responsibility for family and friends, a solid faith in the Lord, and even his walk.

I drove to work today, bawling my eyes out, as I heard for the first time this song from MercyMe. It relates so much to what Jason has shared with me as he looks forward to seeing Pop in heaven someday.

1 comment:

  1. what a beautiful post! you can tell how great a man Pop was just by reading your heartfelt words! I hope that yo and Jason had a great weekend together :)
